Danijela Milic’s vast experience in the field of HR management and development has involved several roles within and outside the UN system over the past twenty years.
Danijela is currently serving as the HR Policy expert at the United Nations International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), responsible for a broad range of policies related to conditions of service of UN Common System staff working for 27 international organizations throughout the world. She is also the ICSC communications coordinator on the COVID-19 response and a Board member of AHRMIO. Danijela is serving on the United Nations Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy (MHWS) Implementation Board and is a part of the MHWS team dedicated to improving mental health and wellbeing across the UN system by increasing awareness around healthy workplaces, reducing stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health, encouraging personnel to take action for their mental health, ensuring equal access to mental health resources and championing mental health and wellbeing.
Danijela’s previous roles included: HR Policy Adviser at UNFPA in New York, Chief of Human Resources at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) in The Hague and Beirut; Head of Human Resources Services at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague; and Human Resources Manager at the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) in Stockholm. Prior to joining the UN system in 2000, she also held various positions involving human resources and public policy in academia, US state government and the private sector.